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Do you have a platform that could help organizations host a baby photo contest? Consider sponsoring this fundraising idea to connect with nonprofits!

How to Host a Baby Photo Contest

There are two main variations for how to host a baby photo contest. Both will result in successful fundraisers, but it’s up to you which type fits your organization best. Take a look at the two different options:

Option 1: Guess Who Baby Photo Contest

The first option is a Guess Who Baby Photo Contest. This means that your staff or supporters will bring in their baby photos, and contest participants will pay to guess which person is in which photo. Whoever has the most correct guesses will win a prize.

This option is better for smaller or closer-knit organizations where people are more familiar with each other such as an elementary school.

Larger organizations may have a difficult time matching the photos to organization members or supporters. However, you can still choose this option if you take current pictures of the people who brought in baby photos as a reference point for guessers.

Option 2: Cutest Baby Photo Contest

Another option is a Cutest Baby Photo Contest. For this type of fundraiser, your staff or supporters will still bring in their baby photos. However, instead of guessing, contest participants will vote for which baby they think is the cutest with their dollars. The baby photo with the most votes or money raised is deemed the winner.

This option is better for larger organizations because it does not require that participants recognize the people in the photos. They can simply vote on who they think is the cutest baby.

Additionally, this option presents the opportunity to raise more money as people can place bets on as many babies as they would like. There may also be some healthy competition between people who brought in their photos to see who can raise the most money and be known as the cutest baby.

5 Steps for Hosting a Baby Photo Contest

Once you’ve decided which type of baby photo contest you’re going to host, it’s time to get organized. Follow these five steps for a successful baby photo contest:

1. Collect and scan photos.

The most important part of your baby photo contest is the photos! Send out an email to your staff or supporters telling them about the contest and asking them if they would like to contribute their photos.

Additionally, let them know where they can send their photos. For physical copies, make sure to scan them and return the original copies to their owners.

2. Take current photos.

If you have a larger organization, contest participants may not know all of the people in the photos well enough to guess who they are. In this situation, it’s best to take current photos and display them with the baby photos to make the contest a bit easier.

3. Promote your event.

Now it’s time to promote your event! Send out another email reminder to your staff or supporters about the event and where they can participate. Depending on your organization, you can make the event a lunchtime activity or leave it up throughout the week for people to participate.

4. Display the photos.

Decide on the best location in your office or storefront to display the photos. Then, mount the photos on a poster board for easy viewing.

If hosting the contest in person won’t work for your organization, you can definitely host it virtually! Create a PowerPoint with the photos and send out a poll for guessing or voting purposes. To collect donations, attach your organization’s Venmo username and QR code or include your regular donation form.

5. Organize a prize for the winner.

Find a fun prize for the winner of the contest! You can give out a gift card or maybe even find or create a baby-themed trophy. Get creative and have fun with it!

Other Fundraising Events to Pair With Your Baby Photo Contest

To make your baby photo contest even more successful, you can pair it with another fundraising event. Holding a baby photo contest at a larger event will provide multiple fundraising opportunities in one.

Check out these events where you could host a baby photo contest:

At a school carnival, your baby photo contest could have its own booth, or at a dance-a-thon, it could provide a nice break for the dancers. Think about how a baby photo contest could fit into any fundraising events your organization already has planned.