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Does your organization work with nonprofits? Consider sponsoring this fundraising idea to help out nonprofits looking to partner with other organizations!

How Does a Coffee Gram Fundraiser Work?

Coffee grams work very similarly to candy grams. These are the steps to a coffee gram fundraiser:

  1. Decide on a date that you’ll deliver the coffee grams.
  2. Choose a type of coffee or beverage to sell and the price you’ll charge.
  3. Print out cards that coffee gram purchasers can write notes on for the recipient.
  4. Advertise your coffee gram fundraiser.
  5. For a week or two before the date of delivery, sell your coffee grams.
  6. Attach cards to the coffees or beverages you’ll need to deliver.
  7. Distribute the coffee grams.

Part of the appeal of coffee grams is that it is a simple fundraiser to conduct. However, if you’d like to spice things up for potential customers, consider offering different types of coffee or beverages. These can include:

  • Espressos
  • Cappuccinos
  • Frappucinos
  • Lattes
  • Iced Coffees
  • Black Teas
  • Green Teas

If you want to offer even more customization for your coffee gram customers, allow them to choose the type of milk and sweeteners they’d like to add to their coffee gram.

3 Ways to Promote Coffee Gram Fundraisers

1. Host it near or during a special event.

A great way to promote your coffee grams and leverage the spirit of giving is by hosting your fundraiser near or during a special event. These events can be holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.

These special events could also be specific to your organization. For example, if your school is about to enter finals season, consider hosting a coffee gram fundraiser. Allow students to purchase coffee for each other to help them stay alert and focused during their studying. Or, offer calming teas for students who need a moment to destress.

2. Post about your fundraiser on social media.

Social media platforms help all types of organizations reach a wider audience. To help increase visibility of your fundraiser, post about it on your social media pages. That way, it’ll reach the eyes of loyal followers and potential new supporters alike. Make sure to use eye-catching images and graphics and incorporate hashtags as necessary.

3. Partner with local businesses.

By partnering with local businesses to host your coffee gram fundraiser, you’ll be able to promote your event to both your supporters and theirs. Not only that, but some businesses will be happy to supply you with the materials needed for your fundraiser in exchange for you promoting their business during your event. For example, a local coffee shop might supply the coffee in exchange for you including their branding on your promotional materials.

Which Organizations Should Host a Coffee Gram Fundraiser?

Since coffee gram fundraisers are cost-effective and versatile, they are popular amongst many organizations. However, they are most beneficial for groups that have a central location or frequent gatherings, as it makes delivering the coffee grams easier. Some organizations that meet this criteria include:

  • Schools
  • Companies
  • Churches
  • Clubs and community organizations
  • Sports teams
  • Arts and cultural organizations