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Do you have a platform or software that could help nonprofits organize a dog walk fundraiser? Consider sponsoring this fundraising idea to get in touch with organizations that could use your help!

6 Steps for Hosting a Dog Walk Fundraiser

When hosting a dog walk fundraiser, it’s important to be organized and plan out your event ahead of time. That way, you can ensure a fun and safe experience for all the dogs and dog walkers. Take a look at the steps we recommend taking:

1. Determine what you want the event to look like.

There are many ways you can customize your dog walking fundraiser to fit your organization’s needs. For example, you can decide to make your fundraiser a one-time event or a continuous service. Whichever option you choose, the rest of your planning will revolve around that vision for your fundraiser.

Additionally, you’ll need to decide how much you’ll be charging for your services. Research what other dog walkers charge, but also keep into consideration that your all of the proceeds of your event will go towards your cause.

2. Figure out the requirements for participation.

Taking care of other people’s dogs is a big responsibility. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure to take precautions to ensure the safety of yourself and the other dogs. 

You might want to consider asking dog owners for proof of both their official ownership and their dog’s updated vaccinations. Additionally, you might want to ask questions about the dogs’ behavior, breeds, and sizes to make sure the environment will be safe for all the dogs involved.

3. Recruit volunteers.

Chances are, you won’t be able to run this fundraiser alone. You’ll need volunteers to help you with your dog walking responsibilities. Ask your staff and supporters if they’re willing to walk dogs for your cause.

Once you recruit your volunteers, you’ll want to ask them a couple of questions such as how many dogs they can walk at once, what size of dogs they’re comfortable walking, and when they’re available to walk dogs.

4. Create a route for your walks.

Coming up with a standard route for your walks is important for several reasons. To start off, it’ll make the walking process either. You won’t have to spend time scouting out walking routes once you’ve nailed one down, and the dogs you walk can get into a good walking routine. 

Additionally, you can determine where the dogs can stop to drink water or go to the bathroom along the route so you’re prepared ahead of time.

Lastly, notifying dog owners of the route can make them feel more comfortable and can allow you to provide them with an estimate of how long the walks will take.

5. Organize a walking schedule.

Use an online scheduling platform to create your walking schedule. Allow dog owners and volunteers to sign up for available time slots. Also, make sure you leave enough time in between sessions for volunteers to take quick breaks.

6. Promote your service or event.

Let people know about your dog walk fundraiser with a multi-channel marketing plan. Post on social media, hand out flyers, and send out an email newsletter to your supporters to find dog owners who could benefit from your service.

5 Tips for a Successful Dog Walk Fundraiser

Now that you know how to plan a dog walk fundraiser, follow these 5 tips to make your event great:

1. Look into what other similar services are doing.

Researching other dog walking services can help you to determine how to host your own. For example, they may give you a better idea of pricing, how long each walk should be, and what requirements you should have for participation.

2. Listen to any information from the dog owners.

Just like a parent would do for a babysitter, some dog owners may tell you a little more about their dogs and how you could make their experience better. For example, some dogs may be shy or aggressive with other dogs, so you’ll know to take them on solo walks.

3. Consider adding additional services for extra revenue.

There are extra ways you can raise money at your dog walk fundraiser that you may want to consider. You could offer additional services such as a dog wash, a longer walk, or a play session. Charging extra for these perks will allow you to raise even more for your cause.

4. Take pictures and videos. 

Dog owners love nothing more than seeing cute pictures of their dogs. Taking pictures and videos of the dogs will not only make their owners happy, but you can also use the pictures and videos you take as marketing materials to advertise your fundraiser if you decide to make it ongoing.

5. Be proactive.

Overall, it’s important to be proactive and prioritize the safety of the dogs. Know the behavior of each dog and research which breeds don’t mesh well together.

Best Host Organizations for a Dog Walk Fundraiser

Of course, animal-related organizations are the best for hosting dog walk fundraisers, including:

  • Animal shelters
  • Animal welfare organizations
  • Zoos
  • Nonprofits with many dog owners as supporters