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What You Need to Know About Pet Yoga Fundraisers

5 Things You’ll Need to Plan a Pet Yoga Fundraiser

Pet yoga isn’t the right fundraising idea for all organizations. You’ll need the following five elements if you want to host a successful pet yoga fundraiser: 

  1. A certified yoga teacher. Ask a yoga teacher in the community if they’re available to donate some time to your cause. Look for someone who has experience hosting pet yoga events in the past. 
  2. Animals. You’ll need a few pet friends to join the event. The number of animals will depend on your estimated attendance, the size of the room, and the type of animals you have access to. Jump to the next section for an overview of the types of animals that work best for these events. 
  3. A large space to host the event. You’ll need a large enough space to hold your yoga instructor, participants, and animals. This might be a large room at the community center, a shaded outdoor space at your facilities, or a barn on your property. 
  4. A fundraising plan. Determine how you’ll collect donations at your event. Consider allowing attendees to choose a custom donation amount; this might help you earn more than if you required all attendees to pay the same entry fee. 
  5. A marketing plan. Your fundraising success relies on your ability to get the word out about your pet yoga event. Choose several marketing platforms to spread awareness. Make sure your marketing materials highlight the event details and fundraising purpose and that they feature some of the adorable animals that will be present.

Tips for Planning Your Pet Yoga Event 

As you plan your pet yoga fundraiser, incorporate these best practices to make the event run as smoothly as possible and improve the attendee experience: 

  1. Schedule your event at a date and time when most people are available to attend, such as during the morning or afternoon on the weekend. 
  2. Provide waivers for participants to sign and keep a first aid kit on hand in case of any injuries. 
  3. Provide equipment such as a microphone for your yoga instructor or extra mats for those who don’t have them. 
  4. Offer snacks and refreshments after the event. Ask a local restaurant or bakery to donate some food and drink items for attendees to enjoy. 

5 Animals that Work Best for Pet Yoga

If your organization has access to many potential animals to participate in your yoga class, it’s important to consider which types of animals will work best for the experience. Needless to say, animals like snakes and birds will not provide a calming experience for most people. Here are a few types of animals that tend to work best in these environments: 

  1. Puppies/Dogs. Cuddling with a fluffy puppy can make yogis feel more relaxed and at peace, while adult dogs can provide stability and reassurance. 
  2. Kittens/Cats. Both kittens and adult cats can make great pet yoga participants. Kittens can help generate a playful atmosphere, while gentle adult cats provide a more calming presence. 
  3. Goats. Goats tend to be playful and inquisitive, and they can keep your yoga participants entertained throughout the entire practice. 
  4. Ponies/Miniature Horses/Horses. If you have a few particularly docile horses in your care, they can provide a calming presence for your yogis. Ponies and miniature horses are also great companions for animal yoga because they are smaller than horses, so they’ll be slightly less obtrusive in the yoga space. 
  5. Butterflies. Hosting your yoga class in a butterfly sanctuary or greenhouse can provide a calming, centering experience for attendees as they watch beautiful butterflies flutter about various flowers and other plants. 

How to Market Your Pet Yoga Fundraiser

Your fundraising success relies on your ability to get the word out about your pet yoga event. Market your pet yoga event effectively by: 

  • Posting flyers at local establishments, such as the community center, library, and grocery stores.
  • Inviting past donors, volunteers, and event attendees with email invitations. 
  • Creating a social media posting schedule and sharing photos of the animals that will be in attendance. 
  • Developing an email marketing campaign that counts down to your event and provides a convenient registration link.Â