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Does your organization work with nonprofits? Consider sponsoring this fundraising idea to help out nonprofits looking to partner with other organizations!

Which Events are Best Suited for Concession Stands?

Concession stands are easy additions to existing events, especially if you’re looking for extra ways to raise funds. However, some events are better suited to having a concession stand than others. When considering if you should add a concession stand, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many people will attend? For a concession stand to be successful, you’ll want there to be as many attendees as possible, as this will maximize purchases.
  • How long will the event be? If the event will only take an hour, then you might want to save on the costs of hosting a concession stand. However, if it will last for a much longer duration, then you should consider selling some type of food and drink to attendees.
  • Will the event be outdoors? In the summer especially, if your event is outdoors, then attendees will become thirsty quickly. In the winter, people might long for a hot beverage to help them stay warm. Leverage their desires by selling season-appropriate food and drinks at your concession stand.

Some examples of events that are well suited to having a concession stand include:

Even if the event you’re planning isn’t on this list, as long as it’s projected to have many attendees and span a longer amount of time, then consider adding a concession stand!

Snacks and Drinks for a Concession Stand

You’re probably familiar with common snacks and drinks offered at concession stands, such as chips and soda. However, before you stock up on these foods, consider the other factors that come with choosing what to stock at your concession stand, including:

  • Theme. There are many different types of concession stands. Some sell gourmet popcorn, some sell hot dogs, and some sell snow cones. Make sure to serve food that fits your concession stand’s theme.
  • Speed. There’s nothing less appealing to a hungry participant than a long line. Pick foods that can be served quickly, such as trail mix and potato chips, so that attendees can make a hassle-free purchase.
  • Ease of eating. Eating outdoors can be uncomfortable, so make it more convenient for attendees by offering foods that are easy to eat. These include hot dogs, nachos, and roasted nuts.

Essentially, you’ll want to serve food that is quick, easy, and enticing. However, that doesn’t mean that everything you serve has to be unhealthy. You can also offer healthy food options, such as fruit cups, sweet potato chips, and homemade granola bars. These are especially popular options for individuals and families that are more health-conscious.